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Move to smart watch field?

September 23 2014

Move to smart watch field?

From last year, smart watches became more and more popular. As Apple launched the iWatch, the market reach the top.

Smart watches have some similar functions as smart phone, for example, text, calls etc. But as the technology innovation, smart watches becomes the trends in market.

From the following data, we can see the smart watch market in future.

1. As IDC tells, the smart wearing device will be increased to 113 million pieces from 19 million pieces this year.

2. As forecast of Gartner, in 2016, smart watch will take 40% sales of smart wearing device.

3. The smart watch sales this year is 15 million pieces, and in 2020, it will be 373 million pieces.

4. The sales of wearing device has increased by 684% during the first half of 2014.

The above information can tell us, smart watch is quite potential. That is why there are so many suppliers starting to move this business.

But as smart watch is still a new product. Now, it is not so powerful. As the technology improved, it will become much better.

As the demand of smart phone reduces a lot and profit is also very low. So for smart phone suppliers, smart watch is a new stuff. But since it is quite new, smart watch is not so powerful. Smart watch has two many similar features as smart phone. So suppliers started to promote by some other features, like health monitor, etc.

Smart watch becomes the focus of many smart phone suppliers in China. So in near future, we will see a lot of smart watches available in near future.

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